Default Focas Expressions
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Here is an example of a few FOCAS expressions that come predefined along with a description and the logic statement used to evaluate the expression. 

Standard Cycle Start

The defined cycle start signal will be sent from DataXchange when the Predator PCSDB machine is not in cycle and the Fanuc control is in cycle. 

([PCSDB.general_equipment_status]!=[PCSDB.CYCLING]) AND ([Focas.cycle_status]=[Focas.CYCLING])

Standard Cycle End

The defined cycle end signal will be sent from DataXchange when the Predator PCSDB machine is in cycle and the Fanuc control is not in cycle.

([PCSDB.general_equipment_status]=[PCSDB.CYCLING]) AND ([Focas.cycle_status]=[Focas.IDLE])

Custom Expressions

Custom Expression can be created using the Expression Builder using predefined variables or custom defined variables. Click here for more detail.