Specialized Variables
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Previous Values

Many source variables also have the previous value available as a variable to use within expressions.  The previous values are the value of the source variable the last time DataXchange polled the source.

Focas PMC Values

Example of reading a bit value:

The variable

[Focas.pmc_address_bit_value] {PMC ADDRESS,BIT (0-7)}

would be filled out with parameters such as

     [Focas.pmc_address_bit_value] {X0009,7}

In order to set a bit value a target must be created for the Focas with the appropriate address and bit value.  In the expression select the appropriate target and use the desired variable for the True or False send strings. 



Reading Downtime Codes

When reading the downtime code the CNC program must have a particular syntax in a comment.  The syntax for downtime is DOWNTIME=

An example downtime program for a Fanuc Control:


(DOWNTIME=207) ;

M30 ;

The variable

[Focas.nc_downtime_code] will hold the downtime code of 207.  DataXchange will search through 500 characters from the current cursor location for DOWNTIME= in the active program.

Reading Part Numbers

When reading the part numbers the CNC program must have a particular syntax in a comment.  The syntax for part number is PARTNUMBER=

An example program containing a part number for a Fanuc Control:


(PARTNUMBER=123456-0001) ;




M30 ;

The variable [Focas.part_number] would hold the part number 123456-0001.  DataXchange will search through 500 characters from the current cursor location for PARTNUMBER= in the active program.