Reading Part Numbers from Comments with MTConnect
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Reading Part Numbers

When reading the part numbers from the CNC program with MTConnect, DataXchange will look for a particular syntax in a comment. This syntax is customizable.

Note that the MTConnect Adapter must be capable of outputting CNC Comments.  Not all MTConnect Adapters have this capability.

DataXchange will return data from a comment when a particular match is found as a prefix in the comment. A custom syntax can be used to define what prefix will be searched for.  For instance if you are using the phrase PART= in your comment the DataXchange variable in the expression would be written as such ([MTC.part_number]{PART=}).

An example program containing a part number:


(PART=123456-0001) ;




M30 ;

Here is an example of a full expression:

([MTC.part_number]{PART=}) != ([PCSDB.current_part_number])

With the result:

[PCSDB.send_part_start] {([MTC.part_number]{PART=})}