Alarm Grid
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The Alarm Grid displays a variety of information about active alarms in a table format. Each of the columns can be hidden, allowing customization to the way the data is shown based of the environment where the RTV is being displayed. It is possible to collect data for a piece of equipment that is in multiple alarms at once, this will be displayed by a new row within the grid for each specific alarm type. If there are no alarms active the RTV Alarm Grid will rows will change to the color yellow. Active alarms will be displayed in red.

Configuration Options

Equipment: Is used to select the equipment that will be displayed within the view.

Filter Grouping: Allows grouping by Equipment, User Group, or Company Group.

Columns: Is used to specify the order as well as which columns should be shown in the Alarm Grid. To customize the way the columns are organized, highlight the name of the column and use the blue arrows on the right to change the displayed order. Items that are unchecked will be hidden from view.

The grid contains the following columns:

- Equipment: Displays the given name of the machine within the Alarm Grid.

- Alarm Type: Shows the value of how the alarm is categorized from the machine.

- Alarm Code: Displays the alarm code provided by the machine.

- Alarm Description: Displays some addition detail about the alarm provided by the machine.

- Duration: Displays the total time that the equipment has been in an alarm.

- Quantity: Shows the amount of occurrences the equipment has gone into an alarm.

- Sum: Displays a summation of time the equipment has been in an alarm.

- MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures):  This is the average time elapsed from one failure to the next.

Reset Interval: Is used to determine when the alarm data will start over what will being displayed within the grid.

- Rolling will always count from the last X amount of hours.

- Set Interval will have a start time and then reset every X amount of hours from the specified start time.

- Current Shift will use the start time of the current shift


In order to display alarm data within the RTV Alarm Grid, an Alarm Capture expression will need to be assigned to each piece of equipment. 

Heres an example of an expression that would capture alarm data for a machine using MTConnect.


([MTC.alarms] != [MTC.prev_alarms])


[PCSDB.send_alarms] {[MTC.alarms]}

Alarm Code Mappings for MTConnect

Alarm codes for MTConnect are called conditions.  Here is an example screenshot of where to find it.  You will need to make sure to select the “Native Code” from the Data Type drop down.

Expect to see an error stating that the request did not return any data if your machine is not currently in an alarm.  It is still okay to save this mapping.