Manage Shift Hours
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Shift Hours

The Shift Hours form is used to assign the start and stop times for each day of the week.  Select the appropriate Shift from the drop down, select a day of the week, then press the Modify button to assign the start and stop times.   Setting the Scheduled drop down to No will clear the start and stop time for the associated day of the week.

The start and stop time for a day of the week cannot overlap with another shift within the same shift group.  If a conflict is occurring then the Shift report can be used to review the shifts that have been defined.

When defining shift hours that span two days the shift should be defined based on the day the shift starts.  For example, if a shift starts at Monday at 11:00 pm and goes to Monday at 7:00 am then the shift hours should be defined as Monday starting at 11:00 pm and stopping at 7:00 am.