Manage Shift Breaks
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Planned Shift Breaks

The Shift Break functionality can be used in conjunction with equipment that is assigned to the Silver licensing level or higher.  Planned breaks can be defined for a shift and then expressions can be setup to automatically place the equipment into an assigned downtime during the break.

On the Shift Breaks form select a Shift from the drop down then use the Add, Modify, and Remove buttons to set the breaks for the selected shift.  When defining the break the shift start and stop times are displayed for reference purposes.  The check boxes are used to assign the breaks to the appropriate days of the week.  The start and stop time for the break must be within the start and stop time for the shift for the selected day of the week.

Select the appropriate Planned Downtime that should be associated with the defined break. Planned downtimes are defined on the Manage Equipment Status page. The expressions can then be setup to automatically enter the associated downtime during the break.

A list of the shift breaks that have been defined can be viewed in the General Shift List report.

A detailed example of setting up shift breaks can be found in the DataXchange help section.