Switching to ODI
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Introduction to the Operator Data Interface

The Operator Data Interface (ODI) screen is a modern replacement for the Data Entry screen.  The Data Entry screen and ODI will co-exist in DataXchange for a short period of time to ensure an easy transition for those that have using the Data Entry screen.   While the ODI screen has been released, it is currently hidden to prevent any confusion for shop floor personnel that use the Data Entry screen.  To show the ODI tab any user that is a member of the Administrator group can change the ODI Visibility Status setting on the Operator Data Interface Settings form which is on the Manage tab.

The ODI screen utilizes the same permission settings as the Data Entry screen.  Therefore, when this setting is changed to display ODI any user that has permissions for Data Entry will have permissions for ODI.  The first time the ODI screen is viewed it will read the setting for the Data Entry screen and automatically assign the same equipment that the Data Entry screen was set to use.  Once ODI has equipment assigned on the configuration page it will no longer read the Data Entry settings. 

In a future update the ODI Visibility Status setting will be removed from DataXchange and the Data Entry screen will no longer be accessible.