Shift Breaks
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Automatically Enter Shift Break Downtimes

This example will show how to start and end downtimes during scheduled shift breaks.

The first step will be to define the specific planned downtime equipment statuses which is done on the Manage tab, Equipment Status, Planned Downtime Statuses form.  Press the Add button to define a new specific status.  The Identifier can be any unique number and will be used in the expressions.  The description is what will show in the charts and reports along with the assigned colors.

The next step will be to define the shift breaks and assign the associated planned downtime to the breaks.

The next step will be connecting to the DataXchange Service which is done from the DataXchange tab and the Connect button.  For general information on the DataXchange Service refer to the DataXchange Service and DataXchange Interface help pages.

Once connected the Service the expression can be created.

On the DataXchange tab press the Expression button and then Create Expressions to bring up the Expression Builder.  Press the Add button to create the new expression.

Select the desired Expression Group to help organize the expression.  If a group is not desired then select None.  If a new group is desired then select Expression Groups from the Modify button on the ribbon bar.  Provide the desired expression name and the optional expression summary. Click in the Expression window to enable the buttons in the ribbon bar and use the PCS Database variables to create the expression as shown below, or type directly in the Expression window.

Optionally, create a second expression which will be used to end the downtime.  There are many ways to create the End expression, the following is one example.

Once the expression has been created it must be assigned to the desired equipment.  From the main DataXchange screen select the equipment in the Equipment Tree, stop the command if it is active, and then press the Expressions button in the ribbon bar and select Assign Expressions.

Select the newly created expressions from the list and press the Assign button.