Data Entry Users
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Users that are added to the Data Entry User group will show up as a selectable user from the Data Entry Screen.  If they are not a part of that group then you will not be able to select them to manually log in and out with.  If there are not any users that are selected for the Data Entry group, then all users will be selectable from within the Data Entry Screen.

Manual Login

To start a user manually, first select the associated equipment from the bottom left, then use the top left side of the screen and select the User button.  Once that is pressed, a list of users will be displayed.  Select the user you would like to start and click Start New Status.  The current user is displayed within the information pane of the Data Entry screen.

The following expressions must be assigned to the equipment in order for the manual login to function properly.  If the user is operating multiple pieces of equipment, then the user will need to login to each piece of equipment.

Expression to manually start users

([] = [PCSDB.UI_user_start] {dx_user})


[PCSDB.send_user_start] {[]{dx_user}}

Expression to manually End users

([] = [PCSDB.UI_user_end] {dx_user})


[PCSDB.send_user_end] {[]{dx_user}}

Auto Login

The auto login functionality will automatically login the user that is logged into the Data Entry screen. The following expressions must be assigned to the equipment in order for auto login to function properly. If there are multiple pieces of equipment assigned to the data entry screen the user will be logged into each piece of equipment.

Expression to Auto Start User

([] = [PCSDB.UI_user_start] {logged_in_user})


[PCSDB.send_user_start] {[]{logged_in_user}}

Expression to Auto End User

([] = [PCSDB.UI_user_end] {logged_in_user})


[PCSDB.send_user_end] {[]{logged_in_user}}

Tracking Users with the Data Entry Screen

The Data Entry Users allows the tracking of which users are actively working with the equipment.  This can be used when running reports to filter what statuses and activities happened while a user was active.

There are two different ways to start and stop a user record depending on the expressions that have been assigned to that equipment.  Expressions must be assigned to track users from the Data Entry screen.  Users can login manually using the buttons on the Data Entry Screen.  The second way is to have the users automatically logged in when navigating to the Data Entry Screen using the user name currently logged into the DataXchange application.