Customize the Ribbon Bar
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Shortcuts to commonly used chart templates can be added to the Charts ribbon bar by administrators or individual users.  Using the Group Charts button the ribbon bar can be customized by an administrator for groups of users.  Buttons added from the Group Charts button will have blue icons identifying that it is a company level Chart. When using the My Screens button the ribbon bar can be customized for the logged in user.   Buttons added using the My Charts button will have red icons identifying that it is a user level Chart.  The shortcut buttons added to the ribbon bar will have a generic icon showing the type of chart it is configured for.


To customize the ribbon bar press the My Charts button or the Group Charts button, then select the Customize the Chart Ribbon Bar menu item.  When using My Charts, the Chart Type drop down will have three options; All Charts which is the default, My Charts, and Company Charts.  This drop down filters the content of the list on the left when determining which charts to place in the ribbon bar.  When using the Group Charts the User Group drop down will be used to assign the shortcut to the selected user group.

The order of the shortcut buttons in the ribbon bar can be changed by highlighting a row in the Selected list and using the up and down arrow buttons to change the order of the buttons.