Assigning Expressions
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Expressions can be assigned or removed from equipment by selecting Assign Expressions from the Expressions button on the ribbon bar.

The left side of this form known as the equipment tree, will show Plants, Equipment Groups, and Equipment. The Expression window will show you all expressions that are available.

The pull down on the top left will allow for filtering of assigned and unassigned equipment. The one in the top center will allow you to filter assigned and unassigned expressions, and then directly next to that you can filter by license type. The check boxes next to the type will allow filtering if you have multiple types of licenses.

The Action pull down allows for assigning or removing expressions. Each expression has a licensing icon showing the licensing level that is required to run the expression.

Locating Expressions

If a row is highlighted in the Equipment list a green check box icon will appear next to each expression that is currently assigned to the selected equipment.

If a row is highlighted in the Expression list a green check box icon will appear next to each equipment that the expression is currently assigned