Alarm Detail Chart
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The Alarm Detail Chart displays data collected from the alarm codes recorded by machines that have a Focas or MTConnect back end.  This feature takes advantage of the Alarms generated by the machines and records that information within the database.  So for instance, if there are two alarm codes being generated at that time DataXchange will record both of them.  This data can then be used to detail out which alarms are happening and the time stamp associated with the alarm event.

Reading the Report

The Displayed Alarm Detail Chart, shows the alarm activity as an instance basis.  It is represented Data and duration.  The date and time of the occurrence is represented on the X axis and the duration is on the Y.

Filter Options

All of the information on the Filter is required to run the chart.  The data can be filtered down by Data, Time, Shift and Equipment.  Once these selections are made, click Finish button and generate the report.  The chart will be displayed with each alarm occurrence being the bar and the duration of the alarm will be the height of the bar.